Blog Archives

Today’s world is loud, fast and frantic. As a full-time working mom with three under age four, I’m no stranger to chaos. Every day is a whirlwind. I go-go-go nonstop before crashing in front of the TV and then collapsing into bed, too exhausted to clean up the cyclone that’s torn through the living room, much less put my thoughts in order. My life is cluttered: not just physically, but mentally, too.  During these busy days, it’s easy to feel out of balance and out of touch with ourselves. And one big culprit that feeds the disconnection? Phones. I’ll be…

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My message to moms today and every day is this… No matter what role you play each day or what might be in your heart, motherhood is about doing what is right for you because that is what allows you to be the best mom you can be and set that example your children need.

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Being a mom is one of the most difficult, yet most fulfilling and rewarding roles we moms have. Even though it comes with many challenges, can be incredibly hard, and definitely exhausting at times, I know I wouldn’t trade it for anything, as I’m sure you wouldn’t either.  I love my children with all my heart and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel like I lost myself a few years after becoming a mother. In fact, there was a time in my life that I didn’t even want to have kids, because I was afraid of what…

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Red Shopping Cart | The Driven Mama

I’ve got a bone to pick with Target:  why is it that there is a whole section of the store dedicated to birth and babies, and not even an aisle dedicated to death and grieving?  Stick with me here a minute, I’ll explain. As a full-time working, married, 36 year old, mom of two, I am the demographic for retailers.  I have no time, I have money, and I have hungry kids at home waiting for dinner.  Target shopping is serious business for me. If you can go into a Target and spend less than $100 consider yourself a unicorn,…

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There is no such thing as balance! I’ve spent nearly a decade studying to be a chiropractor, been married for 9 years, have been a mother for 8 years – and the one thing I’ve learned – there is NEVER a balance. Let me elaborate –  I’m a doer, right?  So, that means I’m always shuffling and throwing too much on my plate.  I’ve learned as I’ve gotten older (and wiser!) that I can’t constantly be running, but I’ve also learned that nothing every officially slows down either.  Everyday I wake up with a plan, and every day my plan…

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Before I get into my story, there’s a message I need you to hear – Trust YOU, You matter! Great Expectations of a New Mom During my pregnancy, I always knew I would breastfeed my baby.  I thought it would be a piece of cake…. After having my daughter, everything was great; she took to the boob right away, my milk came in, I was in heaven bonding with my sweet girl. A couple weeks into our new journey, I started noticing my nipple was hurting when she was nursing and it was STARK WHITE when letting go.  Can you…

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How to Pull it Together When You're Running on Empty

Today I want to share with you a practice that’s enhanced my life as Golden Goddess: Being busy, having kids, being married, then having a divorce. We can get really caught up in the stress of life. In fact, I was running on empty for years. When my life really began to fall apart, my acupuncturist told me I was running on an empty tank and all I was a ball of anxious energy. So, how do we turn anxious energy around? From being so consumed in the narrative of stress: Bills, debt, relationships, work, pressure, running a business. I forgot…

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Motherhood is busy and beautiful. Stressful and rewarding. A journey that is simultaneously happy and hard. But I can’t imagine a mother who doesn’t think it is all worth it, despite the hard days, stubborn battles and tears that inevitably come time and time again. In my experience (I have three young girls), there is one thing I wish I could tell all new mothers. Actually, all mothers for that matter. One thing that will ease the moments that are most challenging, make the adventures more enjoyable and the overall experience of motherhood more balanced. That one piece of advice…

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